Brave Greek hero is not sitting still, and goes to look for new adventures. We offer a free to play online games and Hercules together to pass the mission and new jobs.

Hercules - the glorious hero that his strength and courage deserved eternal glory in human memory. Games Hercules allow us to independently test the strength and capabilities of the hero. Hercules game will certainly satisfy even those who are not familiar with ancient Greek heroes. Most of the games of the hero - a real quality and action, which gives the player the sea drive and adrenaline. Hercules game play - so great to spend their leisure time in a sensible entertainment. Arm keyboard and mouse and try free games Hercules as a great and fun alternative to boring leisure! Unfortunately, the majority of school history lessons forgotten us safely into adulthood. Perhaps someone they were not learned, and this attitude was an assessment in the school report card. In another way to explain the rather frequent disputes as to who is the stronger of the mythical heroes: Heracles or Hercules is simply impossible. Even a cursory acquaintance with the myths of the ancient world enough to be clearly understood: Hercules and Hercules - are one and the same character. Here are just a "Hercules" - this is the name by which the ancient Greek hero Heracles was called in Roman times. Animated series "Hercules" was filmed based on a full-length animated film in 1997. The series was filmed in the main forge of children's entertainment - Walt Disney Studios. The series began processing, some modern understanding of ancient Greek myths about the labors of Hercules. In the series, describes the time when Hercules was still a teenager and was held in a special education school where honed the skills that are needed a real hero. The series also present friends of the hero: an enterprising guy Icarus, prophetess Cassandra and Filoklett - teacher of Hercules. The main antagonist - uncle of the hero, god of the underworld of the dead - Hades. Serial contradicts some events that were described in the animated 1997, because it is not considered canonical for the animation universe. Basically in the series describes the period when the young Hercules met his teacher Phil, but has not yet become a full-fledged hero and idol of the people. It should be noted that this method of presentation of events is not a sequel to the original full-length film. Since with a plot to this approach is often used precisely in the Disney studio, these animators came up with the name for such a deviation plot - midkvel. The main characters of the animated series: Hercules - the hero of the number of deaths, which earned its fame and became a god through quite a feat. But the hero refused to join the circle of the gods on Mount Olympus, and chose to remain among the mortals on earth. Hercules is very kind to others, but, possessing incredible strength, it is very often clunky, and this may jeopardize the surrounding people themselves; Icarus - a friend of Hercules, who managed with his father to escape from the labyrinth through the invention of the wax wings. In the series, it is often called crazy because all of his brain "fry" after the hero flew too close to the sun. Nevertheless, the incident almost learned nothing from Icarus, it is very often drawn to fly to the sun. Very talented inventor. Icarus is able to quickly adapt to any environmental situation, as a young man distinguished by exceptional entrepreneurial spirit; Cassandra - is one of the prophetesses the Trojan War. The girl is the best friend of Hercules. Has the gift to foresee bad things, that's just very common in girls predicting no one believes. Icarus is very fond of Cassandra, the guy is practically obsessed once marry fortune teller, but the girl he is not attracted to. Especially, the prediction of their own destiny do not indicate her possible relationship with Icarus in the future. Through excessive obsession Man Cassandra does not like him, but a friend of Hercules, are often forced to cooperate with Icarus as part of a team.