In this category, collected Smeshariks popular online game, created by the eponymous Russian animated series for kids, but also for the whole family! This kind and colorful cartoon tells about funny creatures living in their own fantasy world ( the main characters name Hedgehog Twins, Kar- Karych, Kopatych, Losyash, Pina, Sovunya, Niusha and Barash ). Each of them has a story to life and personal individual character. Smeshariki online games contain a lot of funny characters. Play games Smeshariki will be interesting not only for children but also for growns. With the help of online games Smeshariki child will develop a sense of concentration, attention, observation, reaction speed, ingenuity and logic. All games online Smeshariki have colorful graphics. The number of games is constantly updated with new cognitive, learning and educational games.