Games for girls totally spies are based on the animated television series of the same name, which tells the story of three faithful friends from Beverly Hills. This is Sam, Clover and Alex, they are secretly working in an organization for the protection of people WOOHP ( World Organization for the Protection of Humanity ). The girls have to combine work with an organization that aims to fight against evil, with the life of high school schoolgirls Beverly Hills, as well as visits and shopping. Games for girls totalitarian spice offer to become a super trio of spies. You'll be able to play each separately heroine and experience all the fighting techniques and other spy gadgets. Totally Spies games for girls are presented in a variety of genres, where you have the puzzle, stylishly dressed girls for the next job or spyware to prevent the looming threat. Games Totally Spies online will save humanity and punish evildoers.